Oct 30, 2012

Some time management tips

One of my friend ask me to help him with effective  time management. I don't have any special recipes for it and everyone has their own style time management. So, I tried to give him some tips that I used to organize my time better.

  • Make a to-do list (It is recommended to be an electronic list - in excel, notepad etc)

  • Order item in the list: the most important item first and work down from there.

  • Make sure that what you think is important is really important. One way to determine importance is to think at consequence (what happens if you don't do it) .

  • Make difference between the important  and the urgent. What is important couldn't be urgent and what is urgent couldn't be important. 

  • Try to estimate how much long it takes every task.

  • Bear in mind the working day have 8 hours, but productive hours are maximum 7. Ideal is to have a to-do-list for one day with 6 hour task.

  • Concentrate on one  thing at time

  • Rewarding yourself when you finish a very important task.

  • Try to start with the most difficult part of projects in the morning (when in the part of the day when you can do the best)

  • Have confidence in yourself and in your judgement of priorities.

  • Don't make urgent and not important task instead of important task but not urgent. Try to delegate it.

  • If a task takes less then five minutes do it

  • Try to manage the interruptions ( read my previous articles about it)  

After 2 weeks my friend told me he kept in mind these tips and the first results came quickly.

Also I'll be glade if you share with us your own tips for time management.



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